Bianco 196SA Cream Gold Geometric Rug by HMC

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- Material : Polyester , Polypropylene
- Cleaning Process : Easy to clean
- Pattern : Chequered , Geometric
- Construction :
- Pile height : 10mm
- Backing : Heatset Polypropylene
- Origin : Turkey
- Type : Modern
The Bianco 196SA Cream Gold Geometric Rug by Ultimate Rug is a soft White/Cream Yellow/Gold rug option with Geometric Chequered pattern. Availibility of various sizes, makes it even more convenient. The geometric chequered let your interiors exude grace for all the times to come. Modern rug with a fabulous comfort, ideal for your home. This modern rug type with shades of white and gold is ideal for your hallways and will add a sense of leisure to your floor. Fantastic quality with ultimate sense of comfort.
Note - Actual colour of the product may vary slightly due to photographic lighting on your device screen