10 Home Decorating Mistakes That Ruins Designs

Whether you live in a rented apartment or a spacious house it's pretty obvious that decorating your place requires a lot of time and plenty of effort. Decorating your home can be a thrilling task, allowing you to personalize your home to suit your style. No matter how much effort you put in thinking about all your designing processes for your home but still there's a good chance you make a few mistakes along the way. However, there are still some decorating mistakes that people often make while decorating their homes. Here's is a list of common mistakes people make while decorating their homes.

1) Choosing A Small Area Rug

Rugs are the easiest and luxurious item to improve the home decor. Rugs for homes are efficient in hiding imperfection and intensifying the beauty of space. If you are planning to decor your house, consider simply adding the rugs. The rug should be of appropriate size and shape. Stamp size rugs are one of the most common decorating mistakes. All of the furniture should be sitting on the rug. If this is not possible then the front end of your furniture legs should be on the rug. If the area rug is too small then it will ruin the look of your entire house.

2) Don't Choose The Paint Color First

Whenever you are planning to do some interior designing don't choose the paint color first. As paints are available in many colors and can be easily changed. Make sure you choose the furniture color first then decide your wall color, if you paint your wall color first then it would be difficult to choose the furniture that will fit with your wall color, or it might mean that you can't buy the perfect piece of furniture because it won't fit with the color scheme. Consider the color scheme and what patterns and furniture will suit your style.

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3) Making Everything Match

There should be consistency to your design, you don't have to match everything perfectly whether it should be the color of your wall, furniture, etc. Adding too much furniture or too many designs in your room can lead to a room that feels overburden. Avoid buying all of the decorations items and furniture from the same shop, this is because buying all the things from the same shop you won't have many varieties. The more shops you buy the object in, the more diversity your design is likely to have.

4) Visible Clutter

A home should look like it's being lived in but it doesn't need to look messy. A home that has too much litter can be a sign that you've got too many accessories or not enough storage. The main source of too much clutter comes from overbuying or buying things you didn't use or need. The main reason for overbuying happens when you see a good deal and you want to stock up all.

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5) Using Curtains That Are The Wrong Size

Windows are an important component of a room. They can be as much a part of the design as any other design of the home. Try to allow as much natural light as possible because if there is no light coming into your it may look dull. Your curtains need to fit your window. Try to hang the curtains that cover the whole window and make sure it's not touching the floor and doesn't block the lights. If your curtains are touching the floors they can get dirty easily and ruin the look of your window.

6) Not Leaving Enough Space To Walk

Adding lots of furniture and not leaving spaces to walk in can ruin your home designs. If any family members in your house want to move they have to evade the furniture every time if they want to move. No matter what the size of your house is, it's important to make the room not just for your decorating and furnishings, but also for sufficient space in which you can move around and enjoy your home properly.

Aurora 54207 Grey Geometric Rug By Think Rugs

7) Putting All Your Furniture Against The Wall

Putting all the furniture against the wall can make the space look like a waiting room. Don't push all your furniture against the walls. Pull a sofa or other seating area away from the wall, it will create a space that seems more inviting and cozy, instead of creating a chuck of weird dead space in the middle.

8) Buying furniture that doesn't fit

The most common mistake people make while moving to a new apartment is that they buy furniture which doesn't fit in their homes, and this usually happens because they won't measure the size where they want to put their furniture. If the size of the furniture is too big and doesn't fit in your home, your house feels a little crowded because there is not enough space.

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9) Unsuitable Lighting

Many people do not select the right lighting for their homes. As lighting can transform the room in shape size, opting for the wrong lighting can ruin the look of your interior designs. The most common lighting mistake people usually make is that they fit their lighting that is too high or too low for the space.

10) Using Colors That Don't Fit The Mood

Colors play a vital role in any design. We rely on colors not to looking appealing but to create an ambiance around us. Different colors have different emotional aspects attached to us. You have seen many instances where you don't select the right color for your home and your design was completely thrown out of wack because designers used colors that don't fit your mood.

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Designing a house is not as easy as it looks. Before you plan to design your house make sure you have enough idea of how you are going to arrange everything together. Often in excitement, people buy a lot of decorating items but they don't know how to arrange them. Above are some ideas that the common mistakes people usually face while decorating their house.

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