How to Make Your Bedroom Feel Like it’s Bigger Than it Actually is?
Everyone will have a different living space from others. No one will have the exact same living space as another and so it is important to make use of what you have to make it comfortable and liveable. The issue with smaller living areas is that there is limited space. When you start to add furniture and decor pieces, it can start to take space away from the living room and give off a depiction of a smaller room than it actually is. With limited space, you would want to have as much as you could possibly get - even if you have to create the illusion that you have space.
Use a Lighter Colour Paint for the Walls
Simba 12268/100 Modern Rug by Mastercraft
The color of the walls is very important, for both the room and your satisfaction. When you have any living space, one of the things that you should put in top priority, is the amount of natural light directed into the room. Having a lot of excess light can help make the room feel more spacious and open, because of how bright it is. The light bounces off the walls, rather than be absorbed and gives off the perception of a larger space. Darker shades, while they can be pretty, give off the image of a more closed-off space and smaller area. Less light is available and it makes the room feel like there is more going on than there actually is. Colors make a difference and having lighter shades is the best for wanting a more open and illuminated area. However, if you are wanting to have some dark walls, have them as accent walls where the sun shines the most. That way you will be able to see the color properly and be able to have a lot of light in the room.
Use a Light Colour Palette for Surrounding Accessories
Royal Terrace KI43 Beige Rug by Kathy Ireland
This is for the exact same reason as for using lighter colored walls - having a lot of light in the room. Lighter shade accessories can have similar effects, they don’t take away from the room and rather add to the openness and give off an illusion of a larger area. Walls are different from accessories though. Walls stretch over the room and affect the entire living space, while accessories can be little details that affect a portion of a smaller area. Also, accessories are much smaller and can be a little darker while maintaining the perception of a larger space. Lighter shades of accessories are really good to create a large open space as they don’t require much focus; they aren’t too stimuli-inducing and can rather blend in with everything else. On the flip side, if you are wanting something that pops against the light shade walls, that is perfectly fine as well. It creates contrast and can rather be pleasing to the eyes.
Try Different Places or Arrangements for Your Rugs
Nova NV04 Distress Orange Rug by Asiatic
One of the best things about rugs is that they can be placed however you want. There are no restrictions with rugs - if you are feeling very creative, place your large grey rug against the wall for it to become a tapestry. The trick to having a spacious room with a rug can depend on its orientation/ position and its size. If you are using a rug as a bedroom rug, you can have the end two legs of the bed on the rug, while the rest of the rug spreads out. It can help feel the bed be attached to the rug and give of it being larger than it actually is. This is also best for when you have limited space and you are not wanting to have the two items separate from each other. This, in addition to lighter walls and accessories, can help utilize space while not taking away anything from it as a rug is one of the best ways to decorate without using up much space. The rug can still be walked over and doesn’t require caution to be around.
Use Larger Mirrors to Decorate Your Walls
Using larger mirrors has always been and still is a favorite. Just like rugs, they are decorative fixtures that don’t take up space, unlike other accessories and furniture. Because of how mirrors work, they can give off the impression that the room looks larger than it actually is and therefore expand the room. If large mirrors are used, it can give off the perception that the room is large, as it is able to accommodate it and showcase it alongside a wall. In addition to making a room perceive larger, the use of a mirror can also help brighten up a room, which in turn can also help the room seem larger.
Choose Furniture Wisely - Ones that Don’t Take Space
Cosy 210 Champagne Plain Shaggy Rug by Unique Rugs
Furniture is a big thing in any living space. Without furniture, the place is bare no matter how many accessories or decorative pieces are used in it. Furniture is simply a must and you won't be able to live comfortably without it. When it comes to smaller areas, you have to be smarter with the furniture choices. Block furniture, like large cabinets or cupboards, are nice to have but can really remove a lot of space from the room, especially when you have multiple. The best thing to do would be to use furniture that can still do its job but isn’t taking space away. Rather than have a cupboard for storage, use an open shelf. These are simply slabs of wood going across the all. You won't have to be as cautious of them as you would with a cupboard. If you are really looking to use up less space, opt for furniture that can act as storage space as well. There are beds and sofas that can be used to store blankets and pillows so essentially, they can be used to hold whatever you require. This can help hide clutter from plain sight without having to give up storage or your belongings and clutter.
Opt for Thinner Curtains or None at All
Sierra 9000 Camel Plain Shaggy Rug by Think Rugs
The same has been said throughout and will be mentioned once again, light is key for a larger space. Windows can help make the room feel bigger especially when they are large themselves. When you have large windows, make sure to use them to the max. Using lighter shades for blinds just might be the thing to help them be even more efficient at making the room appear bigger than it actually is. Curtains don’t always have to be used to help make the room feel larger. If the room is very small, getting rid of curtains can make a big difference. Opt for options like blinds that take up very little space but do the exact same function.
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