Inviting Coziness

cozy rugs

Decorating a home is definitely the dream of every homemaker. After all, it is the place where dreams are woven for the future so why not invite cosiness to your home with the right combination of rugs, fabrics, wall colours and textures.

Choice of a colour scheme that makes the room cosy in autumn and winter can be your toughest decision towards an elegant ambience. With a designer rug that has both warm and cool colours, you get a choice to compose the entire colour scheme for your room. If you get inspired by an object which you love that has both warm and cool colours then this task becomes much easier, more fun and foolproof.

Nothing could be better if this object could pull together all other elements in the room into a beautiful composition. Yes, we are talking about a well-designed multi-coloured rug. So, this was about getting a colour scheme!

Now if you want to bring cheerful warmth to your living room then vibrant red and gold rugs can be used. Large expanses of white and beige over woodwork, ceiling and walls are suggested to make the room feel cooler in summer, this compliment well with beige rugs.

In case you live in a warm ambience then cool neutral colours such as white can be used to make the room feel inviting year-round. At this point it is important to create a gradual transition from warm colours of the rug to cool colours of the walls otherwise there is a possibility that the room will start looking disjointed.

For the variation you can have collected and undecorated look in your room where small decorative rugs can be used that are available in different patterns. 

You can also blend antiques with modern furniture to create a stunning room that feels inviting year-round. Redefine your dining room area with this idea by juxtaposing warm and cool colours.

What about vibrant reddish-orange upholstery? Isn’t it welcoming for winter? And what about pale beige walls that cool you during summers. Ideas could be umpteen but it is you who has to decide your interiors.

If you have any query related to any type of rugs on this planet just shoot us a mail, we’ll be delighted to reciprocate as soon as possible.

Till then Happy Decorating!


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