Just a Little Push You Need To Buy A Wool Rug For Your Living Space

Rugs are used as decorative pieces all throughout the house as they can be placed anywhere without talking away from the room. Unlike other pieces of furniture or decorative pieces, rugs are laid flat over the floor and don’t take away from the walking space. They can be walked over without having to worry about it being ruined or ruining the aesthetic of the room. These decorative pieces can be used to either complement the living space or act as a bold focal point. There are several reasons why a wool rug is needed in a living space and these just might be the reason why you get yours. 


Rugs can be placed in any part of the house, minus wet areas. It is not that they can’t be placed in wet areas, like kitchens and bathrooms, it is more so that splashes and spillages can affect the longevity of the rug. When placing a rug, say a rug runner in a hallway or a circle rug in a living room, you would want it to be placed without having to worry about how it will hold up and how it will be affected by being used and walked over. You would want the rug to last a long time and not be affected drastically by the environmental factors you have around your house, i.e., kids and pets or heavy foot traffic. The construction or the way that it has been built severely affects its longevity and how long it can last under different conditions. A shorter, yarn-dense rug is more likely to withstand foot traffic compared to a rug that has a higher pile height and a lower yarn density. These rugs are often the best for areas of high traffic as they won’t be easily affected by excess usage. With wool being a natural material, it means that wool has high wear and tear resistance that increases the longevity of the material and the product. It will last many years before it displays any signs of wear and tear – making it suitable for high traffic areas like hallways. The wool rug is required to be maintained, however. It can’t be left alone for a long time without washing and cleaning and will have to have some sort of regular maintenance to keep up with the. Wool doesn’t require continuous washing, as this can start to affect the wool fibers, but an occasional clean can help keep the longevity of the rug high. 

Mehari 140101 Maize Handtufted Wool Rug by Harlequin

Flame Resistant

Wool has been labeled as a natural flame retardant. This means that the wool fibers don’t ignite on fire easily and it takes a very high temperature for wool to burn. If it were to be ignited, it would burn with a self-extinguished flame that forms dissipating ash residue. Wool is a natural material and so it burns differently from synthetics and non-natural polymers as they form hard, molten beads. This is very helpful for when you have kids about and birthday candles are a must. You won’t have to worry about the wool rug lighting on fire. You can simply pick up the candle as the wool fibers are not flammable, without having to worry about damage caused to the rug or to the surroundings of the fire. This could be helpful in situations without kids as well. Say you have a romantic dinner with a partner and candles were present. A knocked-over candle can easily be taken care of when the wool around it won’t ignite.  

Wool Rugs are Luxurious

Turnabouts Black 039205 Wool Rug by Florence Broadhurst

Natural materials are some of the only fibers that can create a luxurious feel to a carpet. They are soft, or hard if you are opting for dried fibers, and are very durable. Wool fibers fall under this category and create very luxurious rugs when a rug is made from just wool. Placing a wool rug over a smooth surface flooring can be just the thing that is needed to help provide some warmth and a different texture when needed. If you are wanting to fill out a space, but not take away any foot traffic, using a wool rug can be a very beneficial way to keep the room filled out and stylish. Wool rugs don’t frankly mean designer rugs but there are some designer rugs that utilize wood as their main material. There are some hand-knotted rugs, like Persian and Turkish rugs, that use wool as one of their main materials because it is softer and suits the designs on the rugs. 

Wool Rugs Are Eco-Friendly

Linear Blue Geometric Wool Rug by Origins

The wool comes from being sheared from the coats of sheep and goats, which makes them a naturally sourced material and separates it from synthetic fibers. Wool is grown by giving the sheep the right care and nutrients and allowing it to grow before the desired length is reached. Because of this, these materials aren’t widely available and so are not as cheap as synthetics. They are, however, very strong and robust fibers that can handle food traffic better than most materials. This makes it a desired material to have in rug construction. They are naturally biodegradable, so they won’t deteriorate like plastics do, but they won’t biodegrade too soon that they can’t be used as a flooring fixture.

Wool Rugs Are Hypoallergenic

Hexagon Multicoloured Geometric Wool Rug by Origins

If rugs are a definite thing to have in a living space, then wool material items are the ones required for households with allergies and sensitivities. Wool fibers are natural fibers and are less likely to cause skin problems and allergies compared to synthetics, it is also very effective against little critters and dust mites. There are some severe allergies known to be caused by these mites. Wool is also a material that doesn’t realize a lot of fibers in the surrounding areas. The fibers are long and are often woven into the rug. However, there are a few short strands but these are omitted through shedding and can be easily vacuumed away from the rug. People suffering from certain conditions like asthma and respiratory issues are better off kept away from these triggers as they can result in very unpleasant living conditions. Rather than having materials where little critters thrive, it would be best to use materials that don’t allow them to survive or at least make it very difficult for them to halitosis in them. Wool is one of them and can be very effective in warding them away by keeping in moisture. This in turn makes it a very dry environment for bacteria and fungus growth. Dust mites can’t survive in that and wouldn’t be able to live in the wool rug. It makes the rug a safe place to be around for people with these allergies and respiratory issues. 

Wool Rugs Are Low Maintenance

As mentioned before, the materials affect longevity. It was also mentioned that these rugs do need to wash so that they can maintain their appearance and keep up with the look of the living space. The best thing about wool rugs is that they are low maintenance and so they do not need excess time or dedication of special equipment to be taken care of. Wool fibers are very easy to clean as they are able to keep themselves clean from bacteria and fungus. No detergent or anti-bacterial will be needed with wool rugs and so the only need falls to regular maintenance and damage control for when a spill or mess happens. These wool rugs can easily be maintained by giving regular vacuuming to remove the dirt and the dust accumulation which can lead to the rug having a faded look. The wool rugs can develop a faded look simply from foot traffic and usage over the years. It can develop a faded look compared to parts that are untouched or not used as much in comparison. This is irreversible but can be limited by walking over different areas rather than sticking to one certain area.

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