Maintenance matters – Rug Care

The biggest factor why rugs destroy is putting them under the wrong conditions. Let us assume you have put them under moisture or they are under the influence of bugs that go unnoticed for a considerable period of time. Yes, there is a possibility that your masterpiece is going to get converted into “rags” sucking your hard-earned money.


I have seen Turkish rugs getting converted into a skeleton while in storage for several years. Worms, dust and moisture make once beautiful antique rugs worthless so naturally, they must be cleaned with protective treatments before storing. This is what we can suggest to our readers.

Bugs like dark, undisturbed places to make their meals and your storage area have the same ambience so it is advisable to check the place where you are storing your antique wool rug. Moreover, the back of the rug should be monitored every few months so that carpet beetles are not able to damage them.

Bugs generally eat the wool and leave the cotton behind. This rug can be saved from moths and bugs if it is treated with a pest specialist and then washed by a rug specialist.

Here it is important to note that you should clean up the spill quickly so that the residue does not get soaked into the interior fibres. There are few bugs like silverfish, termites and creepy crawlies that don’t eat wool but they can eat it if there is something spilt on its fibres that they find appetizing.

This is why we recommend cleaning the rugs every 1 to 3 years, depending upon the quality of fibres from which they are made.

Have pets?

Having pets is a wonderful experience but yes sometimes you need to take extra care if you have got wool rugs in your home. For some unknown reason, it has been found that moths love urine-soaked wool fibres. They are going to eat those areas first therefore quick clean-up is required.

The damage can be lessened by having a fibre protector that can be applied to wool fibres. This suspends the urine longer for the clean-up although it will not bulletproof it yes it makes the clean up more successful.

One more thing, we have seen that wool rugs wrapped in plastics have led to mildew so that should also be avoided if you have to store them.

In a nutshell, regular vacuuming and washings can be the best methods to protect your scintillating rugs.

In case you have any questions related to its maintenance or anything related to rugs just shoot us a mail. We’ll love to respond.

All my best to you and your rugs!


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