Rugs have become an exciting commodity that has its special aura and magical powers to entice amazing attributes to your room. Rugs are known to breathe in homeliness and unmatched warmth factor into any room. Today, rugs are not considered to be just a flooring element, rather they have the power to tie together a room and colour scheme. They can create a sense of unification across all the decor elements. Whether it is to add a completely new flavour to an existing colour theme, or it's about injecting a new life into an otherwise dull room, a beautiful modern-day carpet is all you need. Not just the visually appealing quotient, these are effective in making rooms smaller or spacious depending upon your requirement. Just choose the right sized rug and you will be able to achieve it with a brink of an eye. Don't worry if your room has a minimalistic theme or it is cluttered with tons of unnecessary things, these carpets can come in handy with any room setting you to have.


It's not just the cold hardwood floors where they fit in, but rather, they can effectively be used in carpet areas too. You can also layer them over huge carpets for a cheeky effect of modern times. Moreover, they offer an added layer of protection to your floor or carpet while adding an amazingly great cushioned feel to your floor.

Rugs are not only for decorating your floors; they can be equally fabulous when you do wall-to-wall carpeting. A lot of homeowners have shifted the gear and have transitioned their walls into appealing masterpieces with wall carpets.

But, when it's about deciding on a rug for your room, you have to be careful about a few things like the style and the size you are going to choose. Also, you need to be precise about the area where you want to place your rug and how you are going to achieve unity amongst the existing decor elements. A lot of people don't pay attention to the other decor elements when buying something new to add to their room. It's of paramount importance that you create a sense of unification as all the elements should complement each other to bring out the best of the aesthetic appeal.

First, consider all the different designs and styles and contemplate which of them is going to suit your decor best. Out of many, here are a few of the most popular ones _ modern, traditional, shaggy, geometric, striped and wool rugs.

Why not explore our latest edition of grey shaggy rugs online?

Then there are oriental and kilim rugs which have their own unique and distinctive appeal. It's difficult to keep aside the neutrals like jute, rattan, rope and wool. Moreover, the manufacturing process has a lot to do in framing up the final asset and there are many processes in today's world from flat weave to hand-knotted and from hand tufted to hooked. All these styles have the tendency to produce a carpet that can suit any decor type at a given time and space.


Well, there are certain thumb rules which you should keep in mind while placing your rug in different rooms. Each room has its own presentation and you need to be cautious about it. Let's have a look at different rooms and how you can place your rug in there. Also, the type of room decides the kind of rug best suited for it.

Living Room

It's your living room _ one of the busiest rooms of any house and you have to make it look grand. Certainly, when it comes to living areas, the bigger the size of your rug, the better and appealing it would look. Smaller rugs in a living area are going to make it worse. They will make your space cluttered and messy. It's always recommended to opt for larger rugs for big rooms in order to achieve a more streamlined and aesthetical appeal.

Not just the size, but you also need to be careful with its right placement and most importantly, the right surrounding. You should try to centralize your room around your rug. The best place to lay it would be in the centre underneath the furniture and the armchairs. Ideally, there should be enough space left behind the armchairs just in case you need to lift it back for adjustments. The last thing you would want is to let your armchair fall outside your rug.

If it's not the entire furniture, then at least, you should try to place the front legs of your sofa set and the armchairs on the rug. It should feel like the rug is submerged into the furniture. This is one of the many ways to achieve a minimalistic appeal to your room.

A lot of people sometimes think that their beautiful rug is getting wasted underneath the furniture as its intricate design may not be fully visible but this is not the case. Ultimately, it's the unified look of the furniture, your carpet and other existing elements which can make the difference.

Enough for the right placement of your rug in your living area, but you also have to decide on the type of rug best suited for this room. The living room is generally an area with high traffic and a lot of concern. You may also need to think about the pet and notorious children factor here. Wool rugs may be your best shot if budget is not an issue as they are strong, durable and perfect for high traffic area while without compromising with the softer texture.

Dining Room

It's always a hot topic for a debate on whether it's a good idea to use an area rug under a dining table or not. The concern is the danger of food and drinks spills and it could be any time and any moment. Well, a lot of homeowners speculate about the rug's placement under the dining table and consider it a suicide attempt for your rugs. But, believe me, it's a common practice and it works awesomely well.

When it comes to deciding the ideal size for your dining room, you need to take into account the most important thing of the room and you will get the size of your rug instantly. It's the dining table. Just measure its dimensions and take 60 cm extra on each side. This will give you a rough idea of the size of your rug.

It's important that your dining chairs comfortably sit over your rug. If not properly, at least the front legs of your chairs must fall under your rug's regime. For this matter, it's always recommended that you opt for a flat rug when you are deciding on the dining area as it wouldn't disturb the balance. Also, flat rugs are easy to clean which means lesser headache during any accidental spillages.

In general, the expert's advice is to avoid shaggy or sheepskin rugs or you may also try any high pile rugs for dining rooms.


Over the years, kitchen runners have gained a lot of momentum and popularity. They are in trend now and a lot of homeowners don't consider their kitchen complete if the runner is missing.

Persian inspired traditional rugs are trendy and very popular. There is a high chance that you will end up finding it in almost every household which has a kitchen rug. They look amazingly great while adding practicality, functionality and most importantly, enticing in the warmth factor to transform your working area into a comfortable zone.


Here we are now in the bedroom. Like every other room, it's important to figure out the central figure first. Undoubtedly, it's the bed in your bedroom just as the name suggests. Now, the size and type of your rug will depend on how you wish to proceed. If you want to place your bed over the rug, then you'll need a large enough rug to flow under your bed completely while protruding on each side for a more enhanced visual look. This may require a lot of spending as you will end up buying a large rug which may hurt budget constraint families. Well, worry not! There is another way to achieve almost the same goal. You can buy two runners and place them aside from your bed. One important thing here would be the gap between the walls and the edge of the rug. Try to achieve a minimum of half of the meter gap between them to maintain the tranquillity and keep it symmetrically sound.

Note: Just keep in mind while doing it with the large rug. You need to see if the rug protruding on either side of your bed is equal to maintain the balance.

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