Why A Wool Rug Is Essential In Your House?

Low maintenance

Wool rugs are low maintenance because they are resilient to many changes in their surroundings and can withstand high traffic usage. This means that wool rugs such as large area rugs and hallway runners can be used and maintain their look and appearance. It should be noted that with any perfectly manufactured carpet, there will be some discolouration along with the areas that have been used or walked on. This can be avoided by purchasing a patterned rug that can camouflage the discolouration and blend it into the pattern.

Multi Stem 061506 Wool Rug by Orla Kiely


Wool is a natural material; it is sheared from sheep. It means that wool has high wear and tear resistance which increases the longevity of the material and the product. It will last many years before it displays any signs of wear and tear – making it suitable for high traffic areas like hallways. The fibres are capable of bouncing back to their original form when they have been stretched and it is unlikely that they will lose their shape, becoming smaller, if they are washed and cleaned using high amounts of water and detergent. However, even though the material can withstand intensive washing, the dye and the colours might not. However good the dying process is, if it is continuously scrubbed and cleaned, the dye might be forced to come out, leaving behind pale, grey colours behind.

Flame resistant

Wool is a natural flame retardant meaning that it doesn't ignite easily. If it were to be ignited, it would burn with a self-extinguished flame that forms dissipating ash residue. This separates it from synthetics and man-made polymers that form hard, molten beads. If in any scenario, maybe with a birthday candle or regular candles, you won't have to worry about the rug catching on fire. It is not easily flammable and the situation can easily be managed by removing the flame without the rug being damaged or any other damages to the surroundings.

If the rug is placed near a window that allows sunlight throw, there is the chance that the wool rug will warm up, like anything else when placed in front of the sun. This is not a concern as nothing will happen. However, leaving the rug in front of the sun for too long, won't cause it to burst into flames, but might cause discolouration with the dye. It can cause a slight bleaching effect and cause the rug to appear fainter and paler than it actually is. To avoid this, change the rugs' location every once in a while.

Geo Flower 060605 Graphite Wool Rug by Orla Kiely


There are four reasons why wool is hypoallergenic:

Wool guards against dust mites – dust mites can be the cause of severe allergies and stuffy noses which can cause respiratory problems. This makes it unideal to have dust mites around people who suffer from complications such as asthma and it is advised to not use materials that are friendly with dust mites. The natural wool fibres absorb moisture, making a dry environment that is hostile to bacterial and fungus growth. This permits the decrease of dust mites living on wool.

Fewer dust particles created by wool – wool fibres shed into little pieces less than other materials. This means that there won't be any small particles to cause respiratory problems when breathed in and it won't contribute to creating the ideal living conditions for dust mites and other bacteria to grow.

Wool absorbs volatile organic compounds – these are compounds that are excreted from everyday objects that contain certain plastics, paints, adhesives or in certain cleaning products. They are hard to escape everyday, modern life and can affect allergy suffers. Wool fibres absorb these volatile compounds and almost 'filter' the air. This can be beneficial to those who are extra susceptible to volatile organic compounds.

Wool fibres don't irritate the skin – when people say they are allergic to wool, it isn't the wool fibres but rather the lanolin, an oil that is found within the wool. This oil can be washed out of the wool fibres so products can still have the same wool properties without having lanolin present to act as an irritant.

Giant Sixties Stem 060703 Tomato Wool Rug


Wool is a natural fibre, as mentioned before, it is sheared from sheep. These are sustainably grown materials that are not man-made from any petroleum or crude oils. Wool rugs are the most environmentally friendly out of all the other rug materials. It is also bio-degradable meaning it won't harm the environment and will degrade quicker than plastics. It won't degrade in your house but if exposed to microbes for long enough amounts of time, it will biodegrade.

Flower 061306 Sunshine Wool Rug by Orla Kiely


Wool rugs continue to offer enviable style, comfort and durability making them the longest term and cost-effective choice of the rug compared to any other material. Renowned for their quality and durability, wool rugs are very resilient and their texture allows quick recovery from indenting caused by footsteps. This allows the rug to look new and fresh for a long period of time.

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