Chicago Cream Polyester Plain Rug by Origins-160cm X 230cm

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- Material : Polyester
- Cleaning Process : Easy to clean
- Pattern : Plain
- Construction : Hand Made
- Pile height : 50mm
- Type :
Our Chicago Shaggy Plain Cream Polyester Rug By Origins is an attractive accent piece you seek to liven up your living space. Hand-tufted with thick yarn, this rug is manufactured from 100% polyester and has soft and luxurious texture. Its plain pattern with cream colour will surely inject a soothing atmosphere to your living space. Our rug is resistant to chemicals, fade and stains. Obtainable in array of sizes like 60x90cm, 80x130cm, 90x150cm, 110x160cm, 140x200cm, 160x230cm, 67x200cm sizes, and 133cm circle, this rug is very economical and easy to clean.
Note - Actual colour of the product may vary slightly due to photographic lighting on your device screen