Craft Lucia Sycamore 9356 Green Geometric Rug by Louis De Poortere

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- Material : Polyester , Recycled Material
- Cleaning Process : Professional Cleaning
- Pattern : Geometric
- Construction : Machine Made
- Pile height : 5mm
- Weight : 1500GSM
- Backing : Latex , Anti-slip
- Origin : Belgium
- Type : Luxurious , Modern
Simply subtle with gorgeous hue decorating its surface marks the Craft Lucia Sycamore 9356 Green Geometric Rug. This magnificent rug brings a touch of contemporary refinement to any space with its alluring geometric pattern. This rug's vibrant green colour scheme gives your living area a sense of vibrancy and harmony while also fostering a calm environment. Use it in your living room, bedroom, or even home office to add a touch of nature to your interior while keeping a modern feel. Its durable, resilient, and easy to maintain.
Note - Actual colour of the product may vary slightly due to photographic lighting on your device screen