Ivory 0908 Glasgow OPUS Luxury Shaggy Rug

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- Material : Polypropylene
- Cleaning Process : Easy to clean
- Pattern : Plain
- Construction :
- Type : Plain , Shaggy
Our Ivory Glasgow OPUS Luxury Shaggy Rug is an interesting rug that can provide cohesion to the colour scheme of your room. These rugs can work really well everywhere, be it offices, homes or playrooms. Their soft and calming ambiance creates a homely environment that you would surely love. This fabulous rug is made using 100% heatset polypropylene. This ivory shade shag rug can easily blend with your home décor especially contemporary. Available in a variety of sizes to suite your loving spaces. (Other colours are also available)
Note - Actual colour of the product may vary slightly due to photographic lighting on your device screen