Sanderson Woodland Glade 146801 linen Russet Brown Floral Hand Tufted Wool Rug

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- Material : Wool
- Cleaning Process : Easy to clean
- Pattern : Floral
- Construction : Hand Made
- Pile height : 17mm
- Weight : 2500 gm/m2
- Backing : Latex , Cotton
- Origin : India
- Type : Handmade , Luxurious , Modern , Wool
Inspired by woodblock techniques, Sanderson Woodland Glade 146801 linen Russet Brown Floral Hand Tufted Wool Rug is a reminder of the simplicity and beauty of nature, and the restorative powers that the woods provides. The design is a chance to reconnect underfoot, with classic floral designs, indigenous and reflective of the English countryside. Seasonal tones combine classic English hues with a modern twist, in this case Linen/Russet Brown. Made with 100% wool, the texture of the rug suits this design perfectly.
Note - Actual colour of the product may vary slightly due to photographic lighting on your device screen