Solid Stem Basil 463607 Green Outdoor Nature Print Handmade Luxurious Stain Resistant Rug for Patio & Garden

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- Material : Polypropylene
- Cleaning Process : Professional Cleaning
- Pattern : Nature Print
- Construction : Hand Made
- Pile height : 11mm
- Weight : 2200GSM
- Type : Handmade , Luxurious , Modern , Outdoor
Polypropylene Elevate your indoor or outdoor space with the timeless elegance and durability of the Solid Stem Basil 463607 In-Outdoor Rug. Meticulously constructed using high-quality polypropylene material, which is known for its remarkable longevity and resilience to weather, this rug exudes quality. This rug is perfect for both indoor and outdoor use because of its strong resistance to fading, dampness, and stains due to its polypropylene fibres. Whether utilized in a living room, patio, or garden area, the subtle green nature print lends a sense of sophistication to any environment.
Note - Actual colour of the product may vary slightly due to photographic lighting on your device screen