Tiago 46307/AF900 Black Dotted Rug by Mastercraft

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- Material : Polypropylene
- Cleaning Process : Easy to clean
- Pattern : Abstract , Dotted
- Construction : Machine Made
- Pile height : 10.5mm
- Weight : 2545 GSM
- Backing : Jute
- Origin : Belgium
- Type : Modern
Illustrate an essence of exquisite aura with the fabulous designs offered in Tiago 46307/AF900 Black Dotted Rug by Mastercraft. Impeccable and intriguing with chic appeal at its every bit, this abstract dotted rug provides a cozy space to walk on. Crafted using soft durable yarns of 100% heatset polypropylene creates an poise ambience for your living space. This one comes with jute backing with various availability of size options.
Note - Actual colour of the product may vary slightly due to photographic lighting on your device screen